Special Promo om DDMRP on-line courses from DDI
Given the difficult moment that we are experiencing worldwide related to Coronavirus and the inability to provide classroom courses, the DDI has decided to promote DDP and DDL courses in self-study online mode at a special price.
From March 23, directly from the DDI website, it is possible to access the self study bundle courses in Italian, English an other languages at the single price of 650 $, which includes material and 2 attempts for the exam.
As a DDI Partner, Advance offers the opportunity to take advantage of an additional discount of 100 US$ by using our PROMO CODE: ADVR (valid for only for USA and Western Europe including Switzerland)
To access programs and offer Click on: DEMAND DRIVEN DDP and DDL on-line
Remember to enter the Promo code at the time of purchasing, to get your additional special rebate and ending up to the special price of 550US$
Contact us if you need any other information: Email a.pfister@advanceschool.ch