Advance SC Solutions chosen for a new DDMRP implementation


We are really pleased to have been chosen by an important new client in Italy for a new DDMRP project that will occupy our Team over the next few months.


The Roadmap applied by Advance SC solution enabled the client to verify the value of the proposed DDMRP solution step by step and decide whether to green light the implementation process.


The implementation process


The Advance SC Solution team has developed a proprietary method for implementing the DDMRP.


The method consists of 5 key steps and milestones and an effective Change Management methodology that enable the client to successfully implement the system while at the same time containing the change management risks inherent in all projects.


The steps are:


  • Exploring session - On the first day, the Advance Team interacts with the Management to begin relaying the DDMRP concepts and contextualising them in the local scenario.


  • Proof of Value - Simulation of the benefits of DDMRP on a segment of the Supply Chain identified with the Management Team.


  • Software Selection - Together with the Management Team, organisational methods, processes and tools are assessed to identify the best implementation solution.


  • Proof of Concept - An area for the DDMRP pilot project is identified. In this phase it is the client who guides the DDMRP system, flanked at all times by the Advance Team.


  • Transformation - Scale-up of the DDMRP solution to other target areas of the project.  The Advance Team is an active partner in the transformation, supporting the organisation with state-of-art expertise, training and tool calibration, as well as in the change management process.




During every step of the implementation, Education and Change Management, together with Communication, will work together to achieve the goal in the most effective way. 


If you are interested in implementing DDMRP in your company and you’d like to know more, request a free consultation with our Senior Consultants by writing to: info@advanceschool.org



Our school organises various DDMRP courses - find out more by clicking on the following link: DDMRP courses.